Friday, March 26, 2010

Hitting The Wall

I finally did it - hit the wall that is. I thought I was doing fine. No emotional breakdowns. This loosing your job thing was just another problem to tackle. Well, I was at a board meeting, discussion budget cuts and layoffs, and was overcome with emotion. Don't know why, but I had about a 15 minute time period where it was difficult to speak. It passed, and I was fine again, but it goes to show you just never know how things will affect your deep down emotional state.

On a plus side, my forced vacation has given me an opportunity to do things that have not been possible before - such as serving as a "Model UN" judge. I've known a little about the program, because two of my sons participated, but this was an interesting experience - watching high school students act out on the "world stage".  It made for a very long, but rewarding day. I was able to see the future, and it looked pretty bright.

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