Saturday, March 20, 2010

Staying Busy Helps

As luck would have it, the first week was really busy with two fund raising events and a third that came from a fund raiser. Elaine's Cooking School was particularly good since the "guys" got to help and the food was delicious.

One recipe from the event was Almond 'Sweet' Tea - a nice treat for the distinguished Southerner who cherishes sweet tea. The formula:
4 c. strong tea
3 1/4 c. water
1 six-ounce frozen lemonade
1 c. sugar
1/2 to 1 t. almond extract
Serve over crushed ice - but double the recipe, because most frozen lemonade comes in 12 oz. cans and - you just can't have too much sweet tea.

There is another version you may want to try. Something to compete with Charleston's Firefly. Substitue Amaretto for almond extract and call it, "Momma's recipe".

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