Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I decided to make my first day of unemployment a busy one. Rising at the usual time of 5 am, I read the papers, checked email, and then went to the Y to work out. Stopped by the church to volunteer, home for a brief lunch, back to town for a meeting, and home late in the afternoon.

Checking voice messages, there were a lot from friends I used to work with. I never gave much thought to making phone calls when I was the one with the job, but I really did enjoy the conversation. I do believe it was much harder on those left than on me. I've made a mental note to do a better job making contacts in the future.

An interesting side note, no one called me from a "company" phone and no one used "company" email to contact me. I asked a few and they just didn't want to take any chances.

Volunteering at church was food for the soul. The ladies sure were a joy to work with. Oh, I also got news for a couple of job opportunities. All-in-all, a good day.

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